Explore My Data Science Projects

Predictive Modelling for Salary Prediction

Predictive modelling is about salary prediction using advanced machine learning techniques. This project aims to develop models that can accurately predict salary based on various features and data.

Software and Tools Used: Python, scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy, Spyder and Jupyter Notebook

© 2024 Ahamed Basith. All rights reserved.

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Build CNN Model for Images

Mini AI is an all-in-one application that integrates a variety of AI tools to assist users with tasks ranging from productivity to creativity. This project focuses on building Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image classification and recognition. The technical team provides the latest technology and innovations based on Artificial Intelligence. Our company is expected to launch worldwide in 2026. We will provide different innovations and technologies like a 24x7 laptop, Bio Seed, etc. We are hiring technical personnel for any domain, feel free to contact us now.

Software and Tools Used: Python, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, Spyder and Jupyter Notebook

© 2023-2024 Mini AI. All rights reserved.

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Build RNN Model for Text Classifier

Mini AI is an all-in-one application that integrates a variety of AI tools to assist users with tasks ranging from productivity to creativity. This project involves building Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for text classification and sentiment analysis. Chennai Press is a premier printing company dedicated to transforming your ideas into tangible, high-quality prints. With a commitment to excellence, we leverage cutting-edge printing technology to deliver striking and vivid results.

Software and Tools Used: Python, TensorFlow, Keras, NLTK, Spyder and Jupyter Notebook

© 2023-2024 Mini AI. All rights reserved.

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EDA and Power BI Projects

This project encompasses Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and visualization using Power BI. It aims to uncover patterns and insights from data through comprehensive analysis and interactive reports.

Software and Tools Used: Power BI, Python, Pandas, NumPy, Excel

© 2021-2024 AeroSafe Travel. All rights reserved.

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